Blister Packing Machine
Batch Counter
Auto Counting & Capping
Semi-Auto Capsule Filling
Auto-Capsule Filling
Capsule Polishing Machine
Capsule & Tablet Inspection
Rotary Type Tabletting Machine
Single Punch Tablet Machine
Strip Packing Machine
Semi Volumetric Liquid Filling
In-Ling Filling & Capping
Liquid Sachet Packing Machine
Semi Auto Bottle Cap Sealing Machine
Auto Bottle Labeler Machine
Air Purge Bottle Cleaner
Stainless Steel scillating   Granulator
Rotary Wet Granulator Stainless Steel
Vertical Type Super Mixer
High Speed Mixer / Granulator
Film Coating Machine
Emulsift Mixers Ultra-High Viscosity Vacuum
High Speed Emulsifying Machine
Continuous High speed Granulating Machine
Heating Stirring Tank
Fluid-Bed Spray Granulator / Dryer
Concentration Plant
Equipment for extraction, fermentation, mixing, storing, pharmeceuticals and chemical reactions
Powder Pouring Machine
Sollas 20 Wrapping Machine
Water welder / Gas Generator
Laboratory Freeze Drying
Aluminum-Cap Sealing Machine
Automatic Capping Machine
Filling & Capping Machine
Filling & Plugging & Capping Machine
Filling & Plugging & Capping Machine
Vertical Cartoning Machine
Cold Glue Labeling Machine
Liquid Filling Machine
Overflow Filling Machine
Semi-Automatic Liquid Filling Machine
Top Labeling Machine
Wrap Around Labeling Machine
Labeling Machine
Wrap Around Labeler Machine


  Products > High Speed Mixer / Granulator

High Speed Mixer / Granulator


Super Mixer / Granulator - a new generation high-speed mixer / granulator bulit to meet the most recent requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice in the pharmaceutical industry.

G.M.P. easy cleaning and sale operation are major design features that set the FC SUPER MIXER / GRANULATOR part from other mixers or granulators.


Within the cone-shaped vessel, the main impeller mixes the powder into a fluidized vortex and forms agglomerates with the binder solution. The high-speed chopper breaks the agglomerates into granules by rolling action.


A full range of formulation can be mixed in dry powder forms and obtains wet granulation in The SUPER MIXER, Binder granulating system inclued:

- Starch paste - PEG / Gelatine-Sucorse

- PVA-Acacia-Tragacanth-Sodium Alginate

- Methyl cellulose-Ethyl cellulose

Most traditional formula can be processed, instead of conventional low-speed equipment, by SUPER MIXER without difficulty.


A filtered (2 μ) filtered air currents is introduced into the shaft of impeller and chopper. It prevents the powder from contacting the moving parts of the machine. Therefore, no contamination can occur and the machine meets the G.M.P. requirements.


The intensive mixing action of SUPER MIXER is mainly achieved by powder particle shearing the substance colliding with each other to a lesser extent this is also accomplish by the impact of powder particles against the metal surfaces. This intensive action, together with the positive vortex circulation of the powder, breaks down agglomerates and disperses less than 0.5% of an ingredient in 1-3minutes.

    • 1 - 3 minutes for dry mixing.
    • 3 - 5 minutes for complete granulation.
  • HIGH OUTPUT - Several batches can be produced per hour due to short mixing time.
  • HIGH QUALITY - Complete dispersion of fillers, stabilizers. Lubricants and colors enables to form uniform color for final products.
  • SAFE FOR OPERATION - Special safety device to protect operators from danger.
  • EASY TO OPERATE - Timer controlled and automatic pneumatic dischargers are provided.
  • ECONOMICAL INVESTMENT - High mixing efficiency, easy to operate, stable and high quality of products, trouble-free system, easy to clean. These lower the product cost.
DY – S100
DY – S200
DY – S300
Full Volume
100 L
200 L
300 L
Main Motor
7 1/2 HP
15 HP
20 HP
1720 / 1200
1920 / 1200
1720 / 1200
3 HP
5 HP
5 HP
3200 / 1700
3200 / 1700
3200 / 1700


1F., No.283, Ren-ai Rd., Yongho City, Taipei County 234, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 
Tel:02-2231 2530  FAX: 886-2-2231 4488