Blister Packing Machine
Batch Counter
Auto Counting & Capping
Semi-Auto Capsule Filling
Auto-Capsule Filling
Capsule Polishing Machine
Capsule & Tablet Inspection
Rotary Type Tabletting Machine
Single Punch Tablet Machine
Strip Packing Machine
Semi Volumetric Liquid Filling
In-Ling Filling & Capping
Liquid Sachet Packing Machine
Semi Auto Bottle Cap Sealing Machine
Auto Bottle Labeler Machine
Air Purge Bottle Cleaner
Stainless Steel scillating   Granulator
Rotary Wet Granulator Stainless Steel
Vertical Type Super Mixer
High Speed Mixer / Granulator
Film Coating Machine
Emulsift Mixers Ultra-High Viscosity Vacuum
High Speed Emulsifying Machine
Continuous High speed Granulating Machine
Heating Stirring Tank
Fluid-Bed Spray Granulator / Dryer
Concentration Plant
Equipment for extraction, fermentation, mixing, storing, pharmeceuticals and chemical reactions
Powder Pouring Machine
Sollas 20 Wrapping Machine
Water welder / Gas Generator
Laboratory Freeze Drying
Aluminum-Cap Sealing Machine
Automatic Capping Machine
Filling & Capping Machine
Filling & Plugging & Capping Machine
Filling & Plugging & Capping Machine
Vertical Cartoning Machine
Cold Glue Labeling Machine
Liquid Filling Machine
Overflow Filling Machine
Semi-Automatic Liquid Filling Machine
Top Labeling Machine
Wrap Around Labeling Machine
Labeling Machine
Wrap Around Labeler Machine


  Products > Fully Automatic Rotary Type Tabletting Machine FC 12 / 18 / 27
Fully Automatic Rotary Type Tabletting Machine FC 12 / 18 / 27
The rotary tabletting machine FC 12 / 18 / 27
Made by weld steel parts. Covered by stainless steel parel and cromate plating.
  • It can tablet to elevate pressure necessary in case of precompression of the powder
  • It is possible to use multiple punches as to increase the production and also shaped punches
  • It is no necessary a lot of upkeep
  • The centralized lubrication is furnished by a motor pump
  • The AR/18N can be easily cleaned
  • The hopper can be removed from the machine simply unscrewing a bolt
  Using the automatic rotary tabletting

The rotary table machines are used in various branches of the industry for the tableting of the powders. They are used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and also in the industry for plastic materials. In the industry for plastic materials the rotary tablet machine in used for performing the raw material by means of a cold working because it give to the same material a good consistence. Using the rotary tablet machine there are the following advantages:

  • to increase the specific gravity of the raw material for reducing the volume of the tablet
  • to obtain the exact weight of the tablet
  • to obtain small lot production an volume production
  • double layer tablet works (optional)
  The elemech FC series can be supplied in three versions precisely to 12-18- 27 punches:
Punch Number
2 HP
3 HP
5 HP
ψ Up to
21 MM
21 MM
21 MM
Max. Depth of fill
20 MM
20 MM
20 MM
Out Put / min.
420 pcs
630 pcs
550 - 750 pcs / Double layer
1100 - 1500 pcs / Single layer
Max. Pressure
7,000 kg
9,000 kg
11,000 kg
Overal Dimension/ mm
720 x 1,680 x 1,600
850 x 780 x 1,600
950 x 900 x 1,600
Net Weight
500 kg
700 kg
1,200 kg


1F., No.283, Ren-ai Rd., Yongho City, Taipei County 234, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 
Tel:02-2231 2530  FAX: 886-2-2231 4488